
I studied Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at UC Berkeley. Go bears!

SemesterClass IDClass NameInstructors
Fall 2018CS 61AStructure of Computer ProgramsJohn DeNero
EE 16ADesigning Information Systems IGireeja Ranade & Vladimir Stojanovic
Math 53Multivariable CalculusJames Sethian
English R1BBooks and PicturesJacob Hobson
Spring 2019CS 61BData Structures and AlgorithmsJosh Hug
CS 70Discrete Math and ProbabilitySatish Rao & Babak Ayazifar
Anthro 2ACIntro to ArchaeologyKent Lightfoot
Africam 112APolitical Development in the Third WorldTianna Paschel
CS 195Social Implications of ComputingJohn DeNero
CS 198-82Machine Learning DecalML@B
CS 370Intro to Teaching Computer ScienceChristopher Hunn
Summer 2019CS 61CComputer ArchitectureBranden Ghena, Morgan Rae Reschenberg & Nick Riasanovsky
Fall 2019EE 16BDesigning Information Systems IIAnant Sahai
CS 170Efficient Algorithms and Intractable ProblemsPrasad Raghavendra & Satish Rao
EECS 126Probability and Random ProcessesShyam Parekh
CS 198-89Quantum Computing DecalQCB
CS 198-08Linux SysAdmin DecalOCF
Summer 2020Physics 137AQuantum Mechanics IAustin Hedeman
Fall 2020Physics 7BHeat, Electricity, and MagnetismAlessandra Lanzara
BioEng 103Engineering Molecules IIGerard Marriott
CS 161Computer SecurityNicholas Weaver
German 160CPolitics and Culture in 20th-Century GermanyIsabel Richter
Spring 2021BioEng 104Biological Transport PhenomenaAaron Streets
CS 162Operating SystemsAnthony Joseph and Natacha Crooks
EECS 127Optimization Models in EngineeringLaurent El Ghaoui